Archived Readings 2020
Sunday 28 June 2020
Genesis 22 vv 1-14
Romans 6 vv 12-23
Psalm 13
Psalm 89 vv 1-4 and 15-18
Jeremiah 28 vv 5-9
Matthew 10 vv 40-42
Sunday 21 June 2020
Genesis 21 vv 8-12
Matthew 10 vv 24-39
Psalm 86 vv 1-10 and 16-17
Romans 6 vv 1b-11
Sunday 14 June 2020
Genesis 18 vv 1-15 and 21 vv 1-7
Matthew 9 vv35 to 10 vv 23
Psalm 116 vv 1-2 and 12-19
Notes to Matthew 9
Romans 5 vv 1-8
Sunday 7 June 2020
Genesis 1 v 1 to 2 v 4a
2 Corinthians 13 vv 11-13
Notes to Genesis Reading
Matthew 28 vv 16-20
Psalm 8