Community Hall

For some time the Kirk Session had plans to build a new hall to replace the rundown outbuildings to the Northeast of the main church shown above. However, these plans proved to be too expensive with the limited funds available. It was therefore decided to look at other options.

The solution decided upon was to alter the interior of the Kinloss Church shown and provide a flexible space that was suitable for worship but also could be utilised for meetings and other functions

Various grants were obtained and the whole of the church interior was modernised with flexible seating, underfloor heating, improved lighting and new kitchen and toilet facilities on the understanding that it became a community facility. The end result is a hall with a smaller hall to the rear which can be incorporated into the whole. The altar and organ can be screened off to provide a more secular space. The hall is run by a management committee and bookings can be made by contacting the bookings member Gordon Rhind 07779108582 – or by email

Once the main hall and facilities were well established work started on bringing the dilapidated steading back to life. Now we have a further 2 meeting rooms available separate from the main church building. There is now a busy schedule of events from various clubs and societies utilising the church and the meeting rooms throughout the week. You can access the page with the schedules by clicking this link here