About Us

The Parish was part of a Church of Scotland linked charge with the parish of Alves and Burghead. Under the new presbytery Mission Plan we now become part of a Team Ministry in a new parish of West Moray. All the previously separate entries in the Scottish Register of Charitable Organisations have now been combined under one number for the parish of West Moray. A link to the West Moray page on OSCR is here. Kinloss Church forms the base for the rural part of the ministry whilst the town part of the ministry is based in the churches in Forres. We were part of the Moray Presbytery but under the reorganisation became part of Inverness Presbytery. Further reorganisation has combined the Highlands and Islands Presbyteries into one called Cleir Eilean I or CEI for short. The churches at Burghead, Alves and Findhorn have all held their final services.

Our new minister Rev Dewald Louw was inducted at a service at Burghead Church at 7pm on Thursday 23 September 2021. A video and audio only version of the service is available on our Church News Post here. Rev Dewald Louw is now installed in the Manse at Kinloss and can be contacted by phone on 07464 847803 or by email at DLouw@churchofscotland.org.uk
The session clerk is Mr Roy Anderson and he can be contacted sessionclerk@westmoraychurchofscotland.org.uk . Our old session clerk, Mrs Corinne Davies is now one of the deputy session clerks on the West Moray Session and can be contacted on 01309 690359 or 07979 380559 or by email at ruraldeputysc@westmoraychurchofscotland.org.uk for routine administrative matters.